Entry 304: Farewell, cheap train fares

Today I made the last ever journey using my Young Person’s
Rail Card.

I am now officially no longer considered to be a young
person by Network Rail. I am going to miss the savings on train fares quite a
lot. But one thing I am considering is launching an age discrimination campaign
against rail companies as I now find myself in an age bracket which makes me
exempt from owning a rail card for the next 38 years or so unless I start a
family, get a disability or become a mature student. There is a potentially a
system to be smashed here and as it is a system which belongs to soulless train
providers and I can’t resist having a go at smashing it. I will keep you
updated with how my campaign is going through this website..

In design news, I have been trying to get the Edinburgh
flyers I designed for a mate amended after his feedback but Inkscape is really
intent to stop me doing this. It must have crashed on me at least 15 times in
the past few hours and has never done so before. Perhaps the programme really
hates my flyer designs, it is the only explanation I can think of.

As I writing this I am rather tired. I only got about four
hours sleep last night, I got to bed around 2.30am but woke up at 7am-ish and
couldn’t go back to sleep. Perhaps it was my subconscious trying to pre-empt
the builders next door in waking me up. Well, it worked. Now I shall go off to
sleep in my home-home bed where the builders can’t reach me.

Word count: 279

Originally completed at 11.50pm on 1 July 2011 but not uploaded due to technical issues.

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