Entry 322: Some sense of progression

I had two gigs last night, with my sets ranging from slightly poor to slightly above average. Thankfully it was in that order, so there was some sense of progression as opposed to deterioration.

The first one was a bit odd. I was on first and there was an audience of five people, who were all very friendly and it was all going reasonably well. Then about a minute before my time was up, four burly men came into the room and stood at the back. I welcomed them to the gig and ushered them into take up some of the many available seats. Bearing in mind that this was right in the middle of a routine, I tried to get them up to speed with what I was talking about but my efforts bombed and even some a banker I slipped in fell flat too and I then had no time to turn it around. Never mind, these things happen and it’s always good practice for these things likely happening in Edinburgh.

The second gig was better. There was a larger audience and it went okay-ish, I’ve performed at the venue a few times before and haven’t done particularly well on any occasion so it was good to do actually do respectably there for once.

In other comedy news, my flyers for my Edinburgh show have arrived – all 10,000 of them. They actually arrived yesterday but I had more than enough to write about then. I was trying to catch up on sleep at the time and heard the door go, but when I looked down the stairs at the front door I couldn’t see anyone there. Upon closer inspection I saw one of those slips to say that they’d tried to deliver something, I then ran outside in the clothes I’d been sleeping in and knocked on the delivery driver’s window and managed to get my flyers. Thus averting having to contact the couriers to arrange a delivery, I’m taking this as a victory.

Word count: 337

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