I can report the latest instalment in the sleep deprivation conspiracies that the builders on the masses of scaffolding on the flats behind my house have returned to work – about four months after putting up it up in the first place.
They have taken over the baton to deprive me of sleep from the builders next door, who have since completed both their building work and their work to stop me sleeping. As I said about the former builders, they put the scaffolding up in about April and it literally covers an entire block of terraced flats but they have done nothing since. Now they have decided to come back and wake me up, as you will see the evidence all points to this being planned in advance. Well, I have slanted and then presented the evidence that way as a result of sleep deprivation. I do not know what they intend to achieve from preventing me from getting enough sleep, but part of me doesn’t want to know. The sickos. Or they could just be doing their jobs, which isn’t as fun to write about.
I thought I’d make this information public as the internet is full of lame conspiracy theories and I was feeling left out I’d not contributed.
In work news, I was down to work a late shift tonight but was yesterday asked to work on another desk for better hours and more money. However, the blokey I got to cover my initial shift has realised he has another engagement. So we have agreed the ridiculous compromise of him starting the shift at 6.30pm, with me taking over at 10pm for another three hours when my other shift finishes. It made sense in my head anyway, but it is all money.
Word count: 295