Entry 348 – Edinburgh – day 11

With a Hen Do in taking up the front two rows at yesterday’s show, Paul and me agreed before we were about to go on that we had one simple objective: survival.

We knew that the gig would all hinge on winning the approval of the group; we had concerns about constant drunken interruptions and knew we would both have to raise our game.

As I’ve previously mentioned, before the show begins I listen out for what the audience is doing – such as laughing or any conversations they’re having – to try and gauge what they are going to be like. Just as we are about to arrive on stage we have I Believe in a Thing Called Love playing on the PA and yesterday several of the Hen Do began singing along to it. This hadn’t happened before so we didn’t know what we were about to endure.

Thankfully the Hen Do turned out to be brilliant, they were a lot of fun and some of the biggest laughs of the show were references we made to them or riffing on things they had said.

Paul was on first and did very well, I thought they’d like him but was concerned that they wouldn’t go for my stuff. I was wrong again and I actually really enjoyed it.

We were very lucky again with the audience, we had 50 friendly people in. Plus the football was being shown when we were on, so that filtered out a lot of the people I saw downstairs who I didn’t want in for our show.

In blast from the past news, this week, in close proximity to our venue, I have bumped into someone I was at primary school with, someone I was at secondary school with – who came to watch the show – and yesterday I bumped into someone I was at university with who I’d not seen in five years. I wonder what will be next, presumably it will be people from the future but I’ll not know it.

Word count: 337

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