It’s starting to feel not a lot like Christmas

Christmas is fast approaching and it really doesn’t feel like it should be. Judging from what the year currently feels like, it should be October.

However, these calculations are totally inaccurate because they ignore all obvious evidence, namely the calendar, and haven’t actually been calculated. So, by definition they are not calculations at all.

What an excellent start I have made to this entry. Anyway, non-calculated calculations aside, it is the festive period regardless; and yesterday at work there was the giving out of the Secret Santa presents. I didn’t want to take part in this, so didn’t put my name forward for it. But then I was asked if I wanted to be involved, I like to think this was to make me feel part of things, although it was really because they were one person short.

Admittedly, I had sort of forgotten about it and ended up buying the present in the shop down the road before work yesterday. And it wasn’t too bad a present, at least under the circumstances I had created anyway.

I wrapped the hastily-bought gift in the proofs of magazine pages I had lying around my desk; to make things a bit more festive, I stapled the package together. I do have a picture, but I won’t be posting it on here, because despite the fact that I have just explained it in detail, I’m only a Google search away from having my Secret Santa cover blown and my shame exposed. The latter word might get more traffic from search engines, but I have a feeling they’re going to be disappointed.

For my gift, I got a mug, a small bottle of wine and some chocolate. There were better Secret Santas than me.

Anyway, onto comedy matters, which I normally start with but thought I’d vary it up a bit in this entry and write. I had two gigs this week, I was supposed to have three, but Ruby Tuesdays was cancelled because actual paying customers had booked the room for a party.

At the first of these two gigs, I was trying out the new routine I’ve been honing of late. It wasn’t particularly successful, but I managed to get some sort of laughter-based reaction during the five minutes, but there is much more work that needs to be done to the material before it is up to a respectable standard. My second gig was in front of five people in Hackney and I quite enjoyed it. It was a longer spot than the previous night, so I thought I’d do some tried-and-tested stuff first to give the new stuff a chance before I rolled it out. I went off on a few unplanned tangents before I got to the new material, which saw the first joke of bomb, so I abandoned it in favour of some older stuff.

After the gig, I got lost on my way back to the station; it was raining too, so I also got cold and wet. I managed to find my way to another station and eventually arrived back to my house well after midnight. I had to be up at 7am for work, via the shops to buy the confidential yuletide gift I mentioned above.

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