And so it begins, or at last it will at 11pm this evening.
It wouldn’t be Edinburgh Fringe without me sweating twice my own body weight carrying my bags to the station to board my train up here.
And as is standard procedure with me, a spanner had to be thrown in the works. Thankfully this wasn’t on the train itself, as it would have then slowed down what was already a very slow six hour journey. There is a quicker service, but I decided to book myself on the cheaper train, which arrived in Edinburgh at 2.20pm.
The glitch came from a call from the letting agent for the flat I’m staying in, saying that the office would be shutting at 3pm as it was a Friday and if I didn’t get there before then I wouldn’t be able to sign the contract or pick up the keys.
To up the stakes, after finishing the phone call, my phone said that the battery was low. So I was facing the prospect of the battery dying and not being able to use the map to find the letting agent, or call them to let them know I was.
I’m sure life would get boring without such glitches, but they occur so frequently with me and I don’t know any different.
In a race against time and antiperspirant, I managed to make it across town to the lettings agent with ten minutes to spare.
After dropping my stuff at the flat, which is very nice, and getting rained on, went down to check out the venue we will be calling home for the next three weeks. And it is a good little room too, which I think – and hope – we can do well in. I will know more by 11.50pm tonight.