Entry 323: Money and Edinburgh stuff

I was all set to go along to Cantaloopy tonight but just as I was about to wake up I received a phone call asking if I could work.

With Edinburgh looming I need to take every shift I can so that I’ll be able to survive not only when I’m up there but for the month when I come back and haven’t actually been doing any work that has been paying appropriately for the past month.

Thankfully it is pay day tomorrow, which will make everything seem better as I’ve been doing a fair number of shifts in the past month so it should be considerably larger than normal. I don’t expect it to last too long, though. Money is rubbish. I turned my back on making any real money in an actual career in favour of humiliating myself in front of a room full of strangers a few nights a week.

At the same time I turned my back on a career I also turned my back on a social life but pretend that comedy is my social life in an effort to stop me thinking: ‘what am I actually doing?’,  this strategy is working wonders so far.

In other Edinburgh news, I have left this entry right until the last minute because I have been getting distracted by looking into getting some t-shirts printed to wear when flyering  for our show. I don’t know if I’ll wear the t-shirts after the festival, because there is something weird about wearing something with your face on but I will probably end up doing this at some point due to an inevitable lack of clean clothes.

Word count: 275

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