Entry 346: Edinburgh – day 9

Yesterday’s show was just the pick-me-up we needed following our dismal review.

I could go into a detailed analysis about how the review is factually flawed, reads poorly and makes little coherent sense, but it really isn’t worth it. If I can’t take criticism then I’m not going to last very long in comedy. And I think the Pixar quote I used in the previous entry covered everything.

The best way to respond to a negative review is to get back on stage determined to prove them wrong and that’s what we did. The audience we had were brilliant and enjoyed themselves as did me and Paul. How much we make in the bucket at the end of the show is generally a good indicator of how the show has gone, if it is a pound or more per person then it has been a good show and yesterday we made £17.50 out of 13 people. We split this and although it is well below the minimum wage for the three hours we do flyering, it’s nice to have at least something to show for all our efforts.

I had another gig prior to A Mixed Bag, which was in the lobby of a backpackers and it went very well. I was down to do Moz’s late show too but had to pull out after feeling slightly ill from getting too cold and wet flyering.

In other news, I rescued a toad after slightly stepping on it while flyering in the Grassmarket. It then hid under a flower-pot and there were some council workers from environmental health walking past, so I got them to move it somewhere safe as it would have been doomed otherwise because there was nowhere else for it to go other than the road. I like to think I made a difference.

Word count: 306

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