Each day presents a new comedic learning experience, from Saturday’s Hen Do to yesterday’s drunk girl who was continuously interrupting my set.
We only had eight people in yesterday and two girls at the back were talking throughout the beginning of my time on stage. With a larger audience I could have probably let this slide, but with so few people I felt I had to address it and try and get them to pay be quiet.
I just about managed to remain in control of the situation, but at one point something I said about drinking too much at a party, which I directed it at the drunk girl, almost tipped her over the edge and things could have turned ugly. Sensing an awkward tension I changed tact and moved on with my set, having gone off-piste for a good while, and things improved. By the end of my time on stage she was putting her hand up to heckle, a sign that I had won.
I can deal with drunken male hecklers pretty well, you can be harsher and they are easier to put down, but with girls you have to tread more carefully and you can’t be so rude. I could have probably handled the situation better but it’s a new experience I have learned something from.
The show turned out to be a good one, the rest of the audience were friendly and from the eight people we made £11.
I then had another gig at 10.30pm, which turned out to be a belter. It was at the same venue I did several shows at last year and died a good few of those times, so it was nice to lay those comedic ghosts to rest.
In other news, regular readers (all four of you) will know that for the past few months I’ve been having problems getting woken up by builders making loud banging noises near my bedroom. You’ll be pleased to know that just across the road from me there is scaffolding around the flats and today those considerate builders started hammering things just after 8am today. There’s nothing like home comforts.
Word count: 358