Entry 351: Edinburgh – day 14

The funniest thing I have seen so far at this year’s Fringe is the hundreds of cartoon penises being stuck on all the large show posters in and around the city.

In mouths, ears, crotches and up bums, these stickers have been put up everywhere and it’s brilliant. Thank you, Kunt and the Gang, for your efforts in promoting your show this way.

The fact that this is my current highlight probably says a lot about me but it also says something about this year’s Fringe. It is only my second Edinburgh and I’m not claiming to be an expert but something doesn’t feel quite right in the way that last year’s did. Speaking to other acts, who have been to more Fringes, I’m not alone in feeling this.

Although I’m enjoying the experience, the spirit of the Fringe is definitely lacking and has been nullified to an extent by the money-men taking over the city. The cartoon cocks have provided a welcome laugh in the face (often literally) of slick PR. The fact that some big name promoters have threatened those responsible for the cocks says it all – they are promoting comedy but don’t have a sense of humour.

Edinburgh City Council has now been out and removed most of the cartoon penises leaving obvious white shapes behind, which also makes me laugh.

14 days in and I’m still yet to see a paid show. There are a few things I want to see, but I don’t want to pay £11 for the experience. I will probably see something before I leave. But I definitely will be going to see Kunt and the Gang – which is a free show – and you should too.

Word count: 286

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