And we’re off

I have now started the comedic year of 2012, with lots of writing and a couple of gigs.

The good news is that I have generated about 15 minutes of new material already. Unfortunately, the bad news is that based on the gigs where I tried five minutes of this out, it would seem that there is much more work that needs to be done to this material before it can actually be considered comedy material and not just a collection words.

I’ve had two gigs this week where the new material was debuted and tried out again respectively. I think there is certainly something there with it amongst the dead wood, but it needs refining then testing several more times. That is the beauty of open mic gigs, they exist to try stuff out at. I never thought I’d say ‘open mic’ and ‘beauty’ in the same sentence, it should be added noted that there can often be a lot of ugliness at open mic gigs and I have contributed to this ugliness many times when trying stuff out.

But anyway, I am getting progressively busier throughout January and I’m hoping this roll will continue on into February and beyond.

In non-comedy news, I have been engulfed with lurgy in the past ten days or so. Just when I think I’ve got rid of it, it comes back. This partly accounts for my lack of activity on here, as when I did get around to sitting at the computer to write about my gigs, I was too tired to do anything. However, I didn’t take any days off work to get over it, when I probably should have done. I am a trooper, or just an idiot who stretched out the recovery from illness longer than I needed to.

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