I have five shows left and fatigue has properly set in. This is partly due to my ridiculous routine in the first couple of weeks of working mornings and evenings, with performing in the afternoon. But fatigue and Edinburgh Fringe are common associates.
I raced across town after my show yesterday to watch some shows in poorly ventilated rooms. I suddenly realised that this was perhaps not the best idea given how there are a lot of germs circulating in such surroundings and a fatigued body is particularly prone to diseases.
It brought back memories of when I visited the Fringe in 2022 for a few nights rather than doing a full run, as I still thought the risk of getting Covid was too high. However, as it turned out, I ended up getting Covid anyway in the few days I was in Edinburgh.
What works in my favour this year is how I have been eating the healthiest of any of my runs at Edinburgh Fringe. I am making extra efforts to continue my blood pressure diet in the face of unhealthy options left, right and centre. Gone are the days of living off pizza all month, or having a few post-show pints of Tennent’s and a deep-fried haggis with chips for tea. I have had one pizza, one burger and chips, and a solitary macaroni pie – a tally I expect will increase by a couple over the next few days. Although burritos have been a staple part of my diet, I have gone for the vegetarian option and often skipped cheese and sour cream like a weirdo.
I have also been running most days around the campus I’m staying on in Musselburgh. So, healthy, but also more boring. But then that is often the trade-off with health – and with these damn genes, I don’t want to take too many risks.
Onto my show report, yesterday continued the trajectory of this fringe run with really good crowds. I think it was about six away from selling out, which isn’t bad at all for a Tuesday. there were a few unusual comments from the audience, which I always enjoy riffing on. I was grateful to have a few big laughers in who did a lot of the heavy lifting in the early stages.
Now we move onto the most challenging days of the Fringe. The dip before the weekend. If sales don’t pick up, today and tomorrow currently look like they will be the smallest audience of my run for the entire Fringe. Both are looking about half-full at the moment. There is still time for things to improve and I’ve recruited a flyerer tomorrow and will do stints myself every day this week to give it one final push.